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All herbs available as tea blends. All tea blends contain green tea, grown on-site. Some herbs available as dried herb for your personal use. 


Always check with your physician when using tea as medicinal support to prevent allergic reactions and medication interactions.


To order a self-created dried tea mix:

  • Indicate an issue you would like the tea for. 
  • Select up to 4 herbs to add to the green tea for a dried herbal tea blend.
  • You may be contacted for recommendations and suggestions to improve your tea experience.

Create Your Own Dried Herbal Tea - Choose your Herbs

  • Herb  Use  
    Artemisia  Fever, respiratory, infections, abrasions, cuts 
    Ashwagandha  Restorative, stress, nerves, aphrodisiac 
    Basil Source of vitamins A and C, antioxidant, colds, stomach cramps, insect bites 
    Bee Balm Sedative 
    Butterfly Blue  Pea             Antioxidants, may slow skin aging, improve tone and texture, improve hair follicles and growth. May slow greying.Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.
    Calendula Skin inflammation. thrush, wounds, gum disease.     Soothes cancer radiation burns 
    German Chamomile  Smooth soother, sleep, skin soother, restlessness
    Comfrey Heals wounds,bruises and broken bones 
    Dandelion Detoxes liver circulation
    Dill Vitamins A and C, antioxidant 
    Echinacea Antibiotic,antiviral,common cold 
    Eucalyptus Insect repellent 
    Feverfew Migraine, arthritis, dermatitis, anti-inflammatory 
    Fig Leaf Diabetes, cholesterol, excema, psoriasis improvement 
    Green Tea Mental alertness, digestion, headaches, may helpo with weight loss 
    Horehound  Respiratory, stomach issues 
    Hyssop Lung issues
    Lemonbalm Anxiety, indegestion, cold, relaxant
    Lemongrass Fever, cold, headache 
    Licorice Anti-inflammatory, congestion, cough, stomach soother
    Marjoram Asthma, cough
    Marshmallow Mucous membranes, inflammation, expectorant
    Milk thislte Liver and gallbladder, antioxidant 
    Mullein Expectorant, soothing anti-inflammatory 

    Anti-anxiety, anti-depression

    Improves restlessness and mood 


    Respiratory issues, digestive disorders, skin fungal issues, antiseptic,antifungal, expectorant

    Avoid as a tea while pregnant.

    Parsley Blood clots, bone health, Vitamin C, antioxidants, diabetes, Vitamin A 
    Peppermint Digestion, nausea, cramps, headaches, colds, antiseptic 
    Plantain Cystitis, lung infection, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant 
    Red Rasberry Leaf  Childbirth, menstrual cycle, astingent, anti-diarrheal
    Rosemary  Headache, exhaustion, memory, astringent 
    Skullcap Nervous tension and anxiety, PMS, antispasmodic, sedative 
    Spearmint Antibacterial, antimicrobial, improves digestion, helps with memory
    St. John's Wort Hormonal balance, depression, cuts and abrasions
    Tulsi (Holy Basil) Expectorant, colds, coughs
    Tumeric Inflammation,indigestion, antioxidant
    Valarian Nervous tension, sleep, stress, anxiety, relaxant, sedative 
    White willow bark Aches and pains, fever, inflammation, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent 

    Cold, flu, hypertension, menstrual, anti-inflammatory

    Avoid during pregnancy


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